Finance Minister Ken Ofori-Atta on Thursday says Government will not request more money for its operations for the next half of the year.
“We are staying within the 2021 Appropriation,” the Minister told Parliament, in Accra.
He was moving a motion to the House for the Mid-Year Fiscal Policy Review of the Budget Statement and Economic Policy of the Government of Ghana for the 2021 Financial Year.
He said: “Respectfully, Mr. Speaker, let me repeat. I am not here today to ask for more money. I have not come to ask for more taxes. I have come to update the House on the performance of the economy for the first half-year of 2021 and our plans for the unexpired term of the year, consistent with section 28 of the PFM Act.”
Presentation of the 2021 Mid-year review of the budget statement to Parliament is in accordance with Section 28 of the Public Financial Management Act, 2016 (Act 921).
Under the Act, the Minister for Finance is expected to present the Mid-year Budget Review to Parliament not later than 31st July of each financial year.
The presentation provided the economic and fiscal performance of the economy for the first half of 2021 as well as an update on the implementation of key programmes, including, strategies by the government to create employment for Ghanaians in general and the youth in particular.
It highlighted the status of the implementation of the Ghana CARES “Obaatanpå” Programme, which sought to revitalise and transform the economy to pre-pandemic times.