Teach Naa Agradaa the ways of repentance or she’ll use bible to dupe more — Apostle Godbless Boateng

Founder and leader of the Cornerstone Bible Church International in Kumasi Ayigya Tech of the Ashanti Region, His Eminence Apostle Godbless Boateng has advised pastors around fetish priestess Nana Agradaa to take her through proper scriptural lessons for true repentance.

He said failure to do so will make Nana Agradaa even worst than before.

Speaking to the Modernghana News in reaction to the sudden repentance of Nana Agradaa who is now referred to as Evangelist Patricia Oduro Koranteng, the Man of God indicated that the entire public display was stage-managed.

According to him, her repentance is an obvious attempt to attract public sympathy to escape justice over her arrest for allegedly defrauding several people of their monies.

“How on earth can an idol worshipper just wake up in seconds to declare that she has disowned her idols to follow Christ”, the man of God quizzes.

He urges the men and women of God around Nana Agradaa to make scriptural assessment of her.

According to the clergy, Nana Agradaa in some years back announced that she had bought a church from one Rev Apae Life in Accra for an unstated mission.

Apostle Boateng indicated that based on Agradaa’s announcement, many alleged self-styled pastors started prophesying the date and time the idol worshipper would repent and become one of the most popular women of God in the country.

“So it is no doubt that the dirty gameplay has manifested itself,” he emphasised.

The man of God insisted that if for any reasons Nana Agradaa claims that she has repented, she should consider herself as a new convert who needs to join a credible church for more scriptural tutorials, baptized and then carry the cross until such time that she could be ordained to run a church.

Apostle Godbless Boateng’s fears are that judging from Nana Agradaa’s utterances and behaviour, nothing shows that the idol worshipper has truly repented.

According to him, more risky aspect behind Agradaa’s presence in the priesthood is that she would use the Bible as another means to dupe innocent Ghanaians than before.

Apostle Godbless Boateng however took the opportunity to advise what he described as quake pastors surrounding Nana Agradaa to be cautious of their activities before the wrath of God comes upon them

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